Collection: Classic Pie Crust

Try our one-of-a-kind stroopwafel pie crusts! We use our handcrafted, authentic Dutch stroopwafels to deliver irresistible sweetness and a satisfying crunch. Elevate your pies, cheesecakes, and more with this unique Dutch treat. No artificial flavors or preservatives – just pure stroopwafel goodness! With or without baking, this versatile cookie crust is sure to impress. Order your pie crust today and unleash your delicious creativity!

What is a Classic Stroopwafel Pie Crust

A classic stroopwafel pie crust is a twist on the traditional pie base. Instead of relying on graham crackers or flour mixtures, this unique crust uses crushed stroopwafels, a beloved Dutch treat. Stroopwafels are thin waffle cookies, known for their crisp texture and a gooey, caramel center. Crushing these delicious cookies creates a unique pie crust that gives a delightful crunch combined with its amazing caramel flavor. Unlike traditional options like graham cracker crusts that require added sugar and mixing, classic stroopwafel pie crusts come ready with delicious caramel sweetness and a perfect crunch. Plus, they won't get soggy! The stroopwafel pie crusts are no-bake, but they also hold up beautifully in the oven! When baking, cover exposed edges with aluminum foil to prevent burning.

Why choose our Classic Stroopwafel Pie Crust

We use classic Dutch stroopwafels that are handcrafted locally, delivering the true, sweet caramel flavor without the hassle and expense of overseas shipping. We use high quality ingredients that mass-produced options can't match. Our cookie crust contains no artificial flavors or preservatives. The feedback is clear: our customers are obsessed with the ease and incredible flavor of our classic stroopwafel pie crusts. We can't wait to hear what you think!

Order Classic Pie Crust online

Get your classic stroopwafel pie crusts with the convenience of online ordering! Simply select your desired quantity, choose from our secure payment options, and enjoy fast, reliable shipping directly to your door. Skip the hassle of making your own crust, and focus on creating delicious desserts with the sweet caramel flavor and delightful crunch of authentic Dutch stroopwafels. Indulge your baking creativity and order your pie crusts online today!

More Pie Crust flavors

Love stroopwafels but need a gluten-free option? We've got you covered! Alongside our classic stroopwafel pie crusts, we also offer a delicious gluten-free version:

Gluten Free Pie Crust

Enjoy the same classic pie crust experience without compromising flavor or texture. Our gluten-free pie crust is perfect for your favorite pie and cheesecake recipes, allowing everyone to indulge. No-bake, ready to go!

classic pie crust cheesecake