Cherry Cheesecake made with traditional, gluten free No Bake Stroopwafel Pie Crust from Dutch Waffle Company LLC, DWC, Fresh is Best!

No-Bake Cherry Cheesecake with Stroopwafel Pie Crust

Cheesecake has always been a go-to dessert for me, but sometimes you just don’t want to deal with the oven, especially when time is tight or it’s too hot to bake. That’s why I love this Dutch Waffle Company no-bake cherry cheesecake. It's incredibly easy to make, requires no baking, and still delivers all the creamy, indulgent goodness of a traditional cheesecake. Not only is it easy to make, but it's also perfect for any occasion, from family gatherings to summer picnics.

Cherry cheesecake

Ingredients for the no-bake cherry cheesecake

To ensure your no-bake cherry cheesecake turns out flawless, you'll need the following ingredients:

For the crust:

  • DWC no-bake pie crust: The star of this dessert, this pie crust provides a delicious, stroopwafel-like base for your cheesecake. You can choose between the classic stroopwafel pie crust or go for the gluten-free version!
  • 6 Tbsp butter (melted): Helps bind the crumbs together, creating a solid foundation for your filling.

For the filling:

  • 8 oz heavy whipping cream: Adds lightness and fluff to your cheesecake.
  • 2 Tbsp sugar: Enhances the sweetness of the whipped cream.
  • 1/2 cup sugar: Sweetens the cream cheese mixture.
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract: Adds depth of flavor and complements the cream cheese.
  • 1 cup cream cheese (softened): The key to a creamy and rich filling.
  • 1 can cherry filling: This topping provides a tangy contrast to the sweet cheesecake. If you are willing to do a bit more work, I've shared my trick to make a fresh cherry pie topping below.
Cherry pie and Stroopwafel pie crust bag

How to make the no-bake cherry cheesecake

Now, let’s get into the step-by-step process of creating this delicious dessert.

Step 1: Prepare the crust

Start by mixing 2 cups of Dutch Waffle Company no-bake pie crust crumbs with 6 tablespoons of melted butter in a small bowl. Stir until the mixture resembles wet sand. Press this mixture into a 9-inch pie pan, ensuring it's compacted evenly across the bottom and up the sides. Use the back of a spoon to help flatten and smooth the crust.

Step 2: Chill the crust

Place the pie crust in the refrigerator to firm up while you prepare the filling. This step ensures your crust holds its shape and doesn’t crumble when you add the filling.

Step 3: Whip the cream

In a separate mixing bowl, whip 8 oz of heavy whipping cream with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Beat until soft peaks form. This whipped cream will add airiness to the cheesecake, creating a light and fluffy texture.

Step 4: Prepare the cream cheese mixture

In another bowl, combine 1/2 cup of sugar, 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract, and 1 cup of softened cream cheese. Beat until smooth and creamy. The goal here is to create a rich, tangy base for the cheesecake filling.

Step 5: Combine the whipped cream and cream cheese mixture

Gently fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture. Be careful not to overmix; you want to preserve the light texture of the whipped cream.

Step 6: Fill the pie crust

Remove the chilled pie crust from the refrigerator and scoop the cheesecake filling into the crust. Use a spatula to spread it evenly across the surface.

Step 7: Chill for 2 Hours

Place the cheesecake in the refrigerator and allow it to firm up for at least 2 hours. This chilling time will help the filling set and become sliceable.

Step 8: Add the cherry topping

Once the cheesecake has set, spread one can of cherry filling evenly over the top. The vibrant cherries add a pop of color and a delicious tangy flavor that pairs perfectly with the creamy filling.

Homemade cherry pie topping

If you want to elevate your Dutch Waffle Company No Bake Cheesecake, try making your own cherry pie topping. It’s easy, fresh, and allows you to control the sweetness and flavor. Simply combine fresh or frozen cherries, sugar, water, and a bit of cornstarch to thicken. Add a splash of lemon juice for brightness, and you’ll have a homemade cherry topping that’s perfect for your cheesecake. This quick topping adds a fresh, fruity layer that complements the creamy cheesecake perfectly!

Eet smakelijk!

I hope you enjoy making (and eating!) this cherry cheesecake as much as I do. It’s a perfect balance of flavors and textures that never disappoints, whether you’re serving it for a special occasion or just because. Don’t forget to experiment with toppings or add your own twist to the recipe. I can’t wait to hear how it turns out for you! Bon appétit, or as the Dutch say, eet smakelijk!

A cherry pie made with the stroopwafel pie crust

Cherry cheesecake recipe FAQ

Q: Can I make cherry cheesecake ahead of time?

A: Yes! No-bake cherry cheesecake can be made a day or two in advance. Simply store it in the fridge, covered, until you're ready to serve. The flavors often improve as the cheesecake chills.

Q: What kind of crust is best for cherry cheesecake?

A: While graham cracker crust is often used, it might make you end up with a soggy bottom. For a unique twist, try using Dutch Waffle Company's no-bake pie crust, which adds a delightful texture and flavor.

Q: How do I prevent my no-bake cheesecake from being runny?

A: To ensure your cheesecake sets properly, make sure the cream cheese is softened and whip the heavy cream until it forms stiff peaks. Also, give the cheesecake enough chilling time in the fridge (at least 2 hours, preferably overnight).

Q: Can I use fresh cherries instead of canned cherry pie filling?

A: Yes! You can make a homemade cherry pie topping with fresh or frozen cherries, sugar, and cornstarch to thicken. This allows for a fresher taste and control over the sweetness.

Q: How long does a no-bake cherry cheesecake need to set?

A: For the best results, let your no-bake cheesecake chill in the refrigerator for at least 2-4 hours. Overnight chilling is ideal to achieve the firmest texture.

Q: Can I freeze no-bake cherry cheesecake?

A: Yes, you can freeze the cheesecake without the cherry topping. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and aluminum foil. When ready to serve, thaw it in the refrigerator and add the cherry topping just before serving.

Q: What is the best way to store leftover cherry cheesecake?

A: Store leftover cherry cheesecake covered in the refrigerator. It will stay fresh for up to 5 days.

Q: Can I make this cheesecake without dairy?

A: Yes! You can substitute dairy-free alternatives like coconut cream and dairy-free cream cheese. Ensure the substitutes you choose can still hold structure when whipped and chilled.

Q: Can I use other fruit toppings besides cherries?

A: Absolutely! You can substitute cherries with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or even a mixed berry topping for variety.

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    About the author: Bianca Letens

    Bianca Letens, co-founder and owner of the Dutch Waffle Company, transformed her childhood love for Dutch stroopwafels into a thriving business. Growing up in the Netherlands, Bianca was surrounded by rich culinary traditions that sparked her passion for authentic Dutch sweets.

    In 2019, Bianca and her co-founder launched the Dutch Waffle Company in Nappanee, Indiana, with a clear vision: to offer the freshest and most traditional stroopwafels in the United States. Their dedication to quality and authenticity quickly gained popularity, with the brand’s products expanding across the country.

    Among Bianca’s proudest achievements is the success of the No-Bake Stroopwafel Pie Crust, a new product that has become a customer favorite. Bianca’s commitment to inclusivity is evident in her efforts to provide gluten-free and vegan options, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the delights of stroopwafels.

    A key part of Bianca’s approach to business is her love for working directly with customers. She and her team are always excited to collaborate on custom orders and special requests, offering personalized stroopwafel creations to meet individual needs. Bianca Letens continues to drive the Dutch Waffle Company forward, blending passion with innovation to share her cherished heritage and connect with customers in meaningful ways.

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